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Tag: Allied

Insurance Agent Search, When Your Home Catches Fire Thorton, CO

In the market to buy a new home or an Automobile? Well give us a call today here at the Leinweber Insurance Agency at (303) 719-0364 or send us an E-mail at The fire that was started back in March, and was contained, has spread uncontrollably causing over 49,000 acres to burn and over 18 structures to be ruined by the flames. Officials say...

Insurance Agent Search Brighton Auto Owners; Do Not Lock Your Keys In Your Car

Have you ever forgotten to do something and ended up paying for it in the end?  Perhaps you forgot something small like taking the trash out, turn the coffee pot off in the morning or shut the light off after you leave the room.  Well we all know it is only part of human nature to forget things.  Some of us have forgotten a little...

It Is Almost Time For Flower Power. Ins Agent Can Help You Save, Allied Insurance

Sunshine, flower time, birds flying, green grass, and children laughing.  Big lakes with people riding their jet skis and boats floating about, what do all of these things make you think about?  I bet you are thinking of summer, which is finally near!  Colorado has such a beautiful summer temperatures not to hot but not too cold sometimes a little breezy but we can handle...

Weather Your Insurance Rate With A Free Quote From Thornton Insurance Agent

Colorado is known for its so called “bipolar” weather year round.  We have nice warm summers but not scorching hot like other states.  Winter time here it gets below zero and there does not even have to be snow outside.  Point being, Colorado is notorious for having the coldest winters and largest snow storms in the U.S.  If you like snowboarding, skiing, and sledding down...

Weather Your Insurance Rate With A Free Quote From Thornton Insurance Agent

Colorado is known for its so called “bipolar” weather year round.  We have nice warm summers but not scorching hot like other states.  Winter time here it gets below zero and there does not even have to be snow outside.  Point being, Colorado is notorious for having the coldest winters and largest snow storms in the U.S.  If you like snowboarding, skiing, and sledding down hills,...